I have a Dore Westbury milling machine a bit like this one: like this one mine has no guard round the pulleys and belts. ... ⚙ Model Engineering in the UK; Dore Westbury milling machine guard; Dore Westbury milling machine guard. S. steve randall. Contact options for registered users. posted 18 years ago. Tue, Jul 27, 2004 10:00 PM. I have a ...
WhatsApp: +86 18203695377Trial run of Dore Westbury miller with 3 phase motor and invertor. I've a feeling the motors bearings aren't great as there is a little clattering but it cou...
WhatsApp: +86 18203695377The machine in question is my Dore Westbury Mk1 which is in desperate need of some my first machine and it was discovered to be a non runner and quite a few details were left unfinished. So I've cut my teeth in the machining/engineering field learning what I need to fix it.
WhatsApp: +86 18203695377Hello all, I've inherited this small milling machine from my father who was a model engineer. This model are called DoreWestbury Mk2 but there doing not New Machine Build DoreWestbury Mk2 CNC Conversion Variable speed controls
WhatsApp: +86 18203695377Put a test indicator in the collet or chuck and bring it down so it just touches on the table. You know have two planes, front to back and left to right. Turn the test indicator being careful as you pass over any tee slots. The indicator should read the same at all four positions, left, right front and back.
WhatsApp: +86 18203695377I have fitted xyz DRO to my Dore Westbury using bits from EMS International. As with Phil, it wasn't cheap but I can say that it has transformed the machine. Best wishes. John B . Edited By John Billard 1 on 14/08/2021 17:16:50. brian jones 11: 16/08/2021 16:33:28: 347 forum posts 62 photos
WhatsApp: +86 18203695377I had made my Dore Westbury mill when I bought the shaper, an Elliott 10. . It has done some useful work as mgmbuk has described and I am fortunate enough to have the space available. Mine has the satisfying sound of a washing machine when it is running and just making a flat surface is almost mesmeric.
WhatsApp: +86 18203695377STEPHEN PEACOCK: 27/02/2021 21:11:37: 3 view posts 2 photos: Hi Guys, I may just renovated a Dore Westbury Milling device. It does all shine okay and working although I have no collet driving at the minute.
WhatsApp: +86 18203695377This mill came from a recently deceased life long friend who said many years ago that I should save my pennies and buy what I need and get on with model engineering. You can spend your life making tools to make more tools and not get the ME ing done. I therefore think that he bought, rather than made his mill.
WhatsApp: +86 18203695377Dore Westbury Mark 2 milling machine. table and cross slide 1/2 inch acme nut castings. All Topics | Latest Posts. Search for: in Thread Title in Patrick cubbon: 29/05/2015 14:21:34: 1 forum posts: Concern is heavy thread wear of these two components. Any rectification suggestions. For example bore out threading, Loctite in a brass sleeve ...
WhatsApp: +86 18203695377Instead I found the photo of the set up of cutting the Quill being held in vee blocks supported by three face angle plate and done on what looks like a Dore Westbury mill. So much for me wanting to modify his or MES's Kennet tool and cutter grinder which really could do with bringing into the 21st Century.
WhatsApp: +86 18203695377My smaller mill is a Raglan which I am very pleased to own and use. Myford Boy ('engine builder' on here) has made loads of youtube videos where the Raglan is seen in use. Hollowpoint: 08/06/2023 09:25:23: 550 forum posts 77 photos: How about a Hobbymat milling machine? About the same price, size and weight (probably) of a Dore Westbury.
WhatsApp: +86 182036953772 photos. Hi Guys, I have just renovated a Dore Westbury Milling machine. It does all seem okay and working although I have no collet chuck at the moment. However does anyone have any instructions for these machines. Although the "before renovation" state looks worse than it was. There was no grease in the drive gears below the pulleys.
WhatsApp: +86 18203695377142 photos. The standard internal spindle taper for Dore Westbury is 2 Morse Taper, so any tooling for that will do, plus a drawbar of course to match the tooling. If the machine has been built to design spec. there will be a Myford size threaded nose on the spindle end which can be used to hold a collet chuck.
WhatsApp: +86 18203695377As that will be run at 450 rpm more power will be available. It also uses raked tips which should help. They will drive a fly cutter of this size. Part of my thoughts when I bought the machine were based on milling in a small lathe . 1/4hp motor, slotting 3/8 steel plate with a 3/8 cutter. It did it easily.
WhatsApp: +86 18203695377I have recently bought a Dore Westbury milling machine. It vibrated at the spindle and I assumed it was out of balance and put the gearbox onto a mandrel in the lathe to check. It was in balance so unfastened four screws in top plate of spindle to check bearing as there was some movement at the top of the spindle. ... ...
WhatsApp: +86 18203695377STEPHEN PEACOCK: 27/02/2021 21:11:37: 3 view posts 2 photos: Hi Guys, I have just renovated a Dore Westbury Milling machine. It does all seem okay and working if I have no collet chuck the the moment.
WhatsApp: +86 18203695377Dore Westbury Mk 2 Milling Machine First View In this video I will give you a brief walk around my new Dore Westbury Mk 2 Milling Machine and explain why...
WhatsApp: +86 18203695377A great pity that both the Quorn and the Dore Westbury vice are no longer kitted, both are well worth making. I was eyeing up the Quorn as a long term project and the Dore vice as a do it now job. Looks like I am out of luck. Thanks, Andrew. Robbo: 11/04/2017 14:57:18: 1504 forum posts 142 photos: Andrew
WhatsApp: +86 18203695377model engineering help and information site for small british machines. model engineering norge: home intentions blog ew lathe > dore westbury mill ... the dore westbury mk2 milling machine. my boxford 500 vsl lathe now working as it should. powered by create ...
WhatsApp: +86 18203695377